Confused me....
I am sitting here blogging's because i'm working afternoon shift the whole week!! Imagine it! Very boring indeed...start working in the afternoon and finish at 10.30 p.m. but it's beeter than last time when The Store closes at 11 p.m. I feel like I am lost the whole week, don't know what to do the whole week. But the executives from HQ called me yesterday (Wednesday 19 April 2006) when I was at home asking to submit report and tell me what to do, it was then that i realised that was not really a responsible person as I always shun away what I should do urgently and do something that is not so important and people will we for promises to be fulfilled by me and by then, i always make them disappointed and myself will be disappointed too. I feel so guilty!!
By the time I leave this company, people from HQ will remember me for being so irresponsible while people at my outlet think I am hardworking, which is not as procrastinate work that I doing report the whole time...sigh. What a loser I am. So now, I am determine to finish my work as soon as possible so that by the time I leave, they don't have to finish my work. Well well, other than this, there is another future. I was so confused right now!
On the other side, my cousin said that MMU course of marketing is multimedia is not bad as it teaches us about multimedia other than businees but on the other side, SOMEONE (he helped me a lot but not really close to him to even consder as friend so can't really mentioned his name) told me that his friend told him that this course is not good enough cos it's half-multimedia-half-business, so I am really confused right now cos I really get the course, I dunno if I should accept or not.
But thanks that person even he didn't help me in deciding cos he make an effort to look through the info that i faxed to him and his friend about it and listen to my dilemma and advice me cos he's the only one who really know what i am going through cos he went through the same thing before. I don't have the confidence that Singapore universities will accept me. I don't even dare to tell my parents about it as I don't want them to be disappointed. Sigh...just have to see in 2 months what I have decide.
By the time I leave this company, people from HQ will remember me for being so irresponsible while people at my outlet think I am hardworking, which is not as procrastinate work that I doing report the whole time...sigh. What a loser I am. So now, I am determine to finish my work as soon as possible so that by the time I leave, they don't have to finish my work. Well well, other than this, there is another future. I was so confused right now!
On the other side, my cousin said that MMU course of marketing is multimedia is not bad as it teaches us about multimedia other than businees but on the other side, SOMEONE (he helped me a lot but not really close to him to even consder as friend so can't really mentioned his name) told me that his friend told him that this course is not good enough cos it's half-multimedia-half-business, so I am really confused right now cos I really get the course, I dunno if I should accept or not.
But thanks that person even he didn't help me in deciding cos he make an effort to look through the info that i faxed to him and his friend about it and listen to my dilemma and advice me cos he's the only one who really know what i am going through cos he went through the same thing before. I don't have the confidence that Singapore universities will accept me. I don't even dare to tell my parents about it as I don't want them to be disappointed. Sigh...just have to see in 2 months what I have decide.
At April 21, 2006 8:41 PM,
Kelly said…
relax and let things be
At May 06, 2006 2:26 PM,
yuenmei said…
hey, if it's meant to be urs then it will be.. dun worry too much ya! things will turn out fine, u'll see.. do wut u like, dun worry too much about wut others will think.. u go gal! i support u!!
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