The Puzzle of My Heart

Life is full of ups and downs. This blog records the ups and downs that form the pieces which complete puzzle of my heart...

Friday, June 02, 2006

Feeling Great

I was really happy today, hearing comments from my best friend. That's really a compliment to me! That was the best compliment I have ever received, considering the fact that I was a stubborn girl, having everyone to listen to me. I was really lucky to have people listen to what I says; some maybe get mad at me for being such a stubborn girl, arguing with me about the right or wrongs. Not much people will ever compliment me, with my bad atttitude like that. I also get mad easily at the smallest things that irritates me. This make I'm not a very sociable person. Only my friends can stand me, I guess. Some even back-stab me!! I had this experience before.

During secondary school, I had this AJK of the Librarian Board that talks bad about me. I never thought that she will do this to me, even though she never like me when I'm under her supervision. There's a case when I was in primary school, my best friends even scribble my name on my wall and write bad things about me! Imagine that: primary students writing bad about me and never admit their wrongs. It's hard to trust them already but still I'm friends with them until we're different class in Standard 5. Well, am I really that bad in real person? Everyone is not perfect. I'm not perfect. But now I'm trying to change my attitude to become a better person. Backstabbing is scary.

Referring to one of the previous post, I was saying I am a lucky person. Maybe I'm not. It is just the better way of saying things that I have. Better than saying I DESERVE it. I was really childish writing that post. Sigh...I'm not going to delete it though. Looking at my blog, some of my blog is really, really childish. Wonder why I wrote all those stuff. Well, gotta cut it short.


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