The Transition Pace
It was 2 months since I enter university. Everything went so fast, and now I am about to have my finals in 2 weeks time. I think this kind of life is crazy for me. I talked about it with two person that is also Form 6 students and they agree that even though Form 6 studies is really tough compare to university but we only have to study and different from university which is all about assignments and assignments and well, assignments, and also not forgetting the quizzes and also weekly assessments. Well, I remember my academic advisor told me, "Welcome to university life". Haha, guess it is so.
Well, forget about this thing since I'm already here. And people always say to me, "Wah, so nice ar, already in university. Things must be easier for you." Yeah, university life is easier in terms of their flexibility in time schedule but definitely not in terms of workload. Workload is definitely is much more than before.
But the most interesting that I have done here in MMU is definitely the Critical Thinking assignment. To me, Critical Thinking is really an interesting subject even though most people will say that this subject is hard and boring. People think I am really crazy in saying this!! To tell the truth, I never really using all those principles when I was in trouble myself because I can't think calmly when I am in trouble and do whatever it takes to deal with problem.
Back to the topic, I did an assignment that started last Wednesday and already have the idea for my writing part. And again, I'm out of idea when it came to the creativity part. Basically our assignment is about combining creativity with the practical part of this subject, i.e. using it in daily life. Wasted my whole week doing the whole thing and even do it till the time I am about to pass up the thing on Wednesday, 13th September 2006.
I made a house, where the idea I got from a book in the Popular bookstore. Wasted my whole day there just to get ideas, and then rush back home when my mum called me. I forgotten that they have a wedding dinner to attend. Got commented by my dad for this and ok with it though. It's my fault plus I was exhaustive of ideas. But finally I got the idea and started to work on it but somehow I am perfectionist, so I wasted time just to plan how to make the things until the last minute where I still figure ways for making it the best I can do.
I even resort to not sleep the whole day just to finish the whole thing. Haha... new record for me. And probably the craziest I've ever done. People just take a few hours to do it while I take the whole week... And this explains why I got sick now - have flu and sore throat. But it's all worth it. I don't really like the outcome because it is different from what I have expected. My lecturer praises me for doing a good job and said the house is nice even though he just did it for motivation, I feel relaxed the moment he told me that. At least someone noticed what I did even though it is a lousy one. I should have took a picture of the house to post it here but I don't the time for it. Maybe I just do it when I get it back.
Well, forget about this thing since I'm already here. And people always say to me, "Wah, so nice ar, already in university. Things must be easier for you." Yeah, university life is easier in terms of their flexibility in time schedule but definitely not in terms of workload. Workload is definitely is much more than before.
But the most interesting that I have done here in MMU is definitely the Critical Thinking assignment. To me, Critical Thinking is really an interesting subject even though most people will say that this subject is hard and boring. People think I am really crazy in saying this!! To tell the truth, I never really using all those principles when I was in trouble myself because I can't think calmly when I am in trouble and do whatever it takes to deal with problem.
Back to the topic, I did an assignment that started last Wednesday and already have the idea for my writing part. And again, I'm out of idea when it came to the creativity part. Basically our assignment is about combining creativity with the practical part of this subject, i.e. using it in daily life. Wasted my whole week doing the whole thing and even do it till the time I am about to pass up the thing on Wednesday, 13th September 2006.
I made a house, where the idea I got from a book in the Popular bookstore. Wasted my whole day there just to get ideas, and then rush back home when my mum called me. I forgotten that they have a wedding dinner to attend. Got commented by my dad for this and ok with it though. It's my fault plus I was exhaustive of ideas. But finally I got the idea and started to work on it but somehow I am perfectionist, so I wasted time just to plan how to make the things until the last minute where I still figure ways for making it the best I can do.
I even resort to not sleep the whole day just to finish the whole thing. Haha... new record for me. And probably the craziest I've ever done. People just take a few hours to do it while I take the whole week... And this explains why I got sick now - have flu and sore throat. But it's all worth it. I don't really like the outcome because it is different from what I have expected. My lecturer praises me for doing a good job and said the house is nice even though he just did it for motivation, I feel relaxed the moment he told me that. At least someone noticed what I did even though it is a lousy one. I should have took a picture of the house to post it here but I don't the time for it. Maybe I just do it when I get it back.
The house that I made for Critical Thinking subject. A bit out of place with me not satisfied with it but luckily I got a satisfactory score for it....I'm not telling the grade but if u asked me probably I'll tell.
Being a perfectionist I am, there is an advantage and disadvantage. As my friend put it, I am really choosy and a perfectionist where they couldn't even stand it to some extent, hehe...
Well, that's all from me...
~Keat Yee signing off~
At September 19, 2006 9:35 PM,
Kelly said…
Well,its your first self-accomplishment assignment wise,so be proud of it.Slowly you might get bored of it though,so take a moment and treasure ur first work.After all your lecturer did praise your work no?
By the way,there's no harm being a prefectionist.Everything has their good and bad,its a fact.
At September 22, 2006 12:35 PM,
Keat Yee said…
Thanks for the comment. Assignment now is my routine. Already immune to the time where I don't even have the time to enjoy the outcome of it.
Maybe I should sit back and enjoy the outcome.
Yeah, being a perfectionist is no harm but to certain extent I wonder if I do the right thing or not.
But thanks for taking your time out to give a comment. I enjoy the feedback from ya~!
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