The Puzzle of My Heart

Life is full of ups and downs. This blog records the ups and downs that form the pieces which complete puzzle of my heart...

Thursday, December 20, 2007

Web 2.0 Concept

My lecturer for Multimedia Marketing organised a talk on Web 2.0 concept on 17th December 2007, Monday and he managed to invite Mr. Rohan Thomas from Microsoft to give a talk on Web 2.0 concept.

According to
Wikipedia, this is how Mr. Tim O' Reilly define Web 2.0,"Web 2.0 is the business revolution in the computer industry caused by the move to the Internet as platform, and an attempt to understand the rules for success on that new platform."

Basically, Mr. Rohan summarised that Web 2.0 as "architecture of application". Users are involved in the phenomenon. It's quite an interesting talk and I never know the definite name for this phenomenon even though we might notice changes in the multimedia world or the Internet.

The talk is quite interesting, with Mr. Rohan showing us the applications that have integrated the Web 2.0 concept and it is quite impressive. I think it's a boring talk for him as we were unable to answer some of the questions thrown out by him and it is quite boring for him to talk to an uninteractive crowd.

Throughout the talk, he kept on asking "Any questions?" but none of us bother to ask a question. Either we are too smart that we understand, or we does not know anything about what he is talking about. In the end, there's 2 person asked him questions. But it is a disappointment for him as he expects more questions.

From the talk, I realised that we, the Marketing students, are not aware of what's the latest trends around which will influence the lifestyle of consumers around the world. The competitiveness, the preserverence, the creativity, the innovativeness and the curiosity that we as Marketing students should have are not inside me.

Multimedia Marketing, is something that is really impressive. Even more impressive is to see the applications that are developed by Microsoft. The Popfly and Silverlight. It's so impressive that everyone in the hall goes "WOW" when Mr. Rohan demonstrated it in front of us. You can't never believe that you don't even have to wait for the page to load or even to click on links to get the queries on the website. It's really impressive!!

Will Web 2.0 incorporated as part of our life in future is still a question now. Nothing is impossible. And we Marketing students will just have to anticipate it. Mr Tim O' Reilly had a detailed explanation of the Web 2.0 concept on his website. For more details on Web 2.0 concept, you may click here.

Try to notice the applications in the Internet. Web 2.0 is everywhere!!

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