The Puzzle of My Heart

Life is full of ups and downs. This blog records the ups and downs that form the pieces which complete puzzle of my heart...

Wednesday, January 07, 2009

Of Business Law and Trimester 2, 08/09

This is the second-last final exam in MMU before graduating and in this short semester I took 3 subjects but things in final year are not easier even though I am not active in any activities except DJ Club.

Multimedia & Management and Spanish papers down, now left with Business Law paper on 9th. Spanish is great! I have a great time learning it this semester but we find it hard at times to understand what our lecturer, SeƱor Joel said in Spanish as he talks like a bullet train! Wonder how many years to go before I can speak Spanish as fluent as him.

Having learnt Spanish and French, I found that it is easier to pronounce Spanish words as there is a specific way of pronoucing the words but French is interesting and challenging at the same time as you have to twist your tongue while pronouncing some words. Nevertheless, I love both languages.

Business Law... A subject that I do not really like at the beginning of the semester as the law cases are complicated and I can't seem to get the clear picture of all the cases studied. However, the more I study, the more I like this subject! It's a challenge to understand the case, but that's what keeps me interested in that subject.

This is a motivation from BBL lecturer, Madam Ummu Kalsom for me to do better in this subject. Thanks madam =)

Can't wait for the exam to be over! Langkawi, here I come~!!!

Counting down to 13th Jan...

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