The Puzzle of My Heart

Life is full of ups and downs. This blog records the ups and downs that form the pieces which complete puzzle of my heart...

Monday, July 23, 2007

The Start of Second Year of University Life

The sense of helplessness is gone for now. Everything seems to be fine for everyone. They seems to move on with their life. The recent case where a person facing a difficult seems to get her life back to normal. After thinking it through, I think I shouldn't burden myself with their problem. I might just listen to their problem but it will be up to them to solve rather than I solve it. The main answer to their problem is themselves and not me.

Anyway, back to my life. I actually planned to take things more slowly rather than a hectic life where I don't even have some time to myself. BUT, things turn out to be like last year where I am now still busy with clubs and events activities. I still go for meetings and I'll be busier if I am to participate in organising events later. I have to slow down for now - not gonna sacrifice my academics for the activities. I haven't even start studying for my subjects YET... sigh.

Looking at the brighter side of things, I am more comfortable with myself now. Some said that I am more confident after the joining the Orientation Committee 2007/2008. What a big compliment! I do feel more comfortable talking now. I try out on new things; I try to hold a conversation longer and more interesting because I tend to be quiet most of the times, and now I try to voice out what I don't like (I tend to keep quiet about if there's something wrong).

There's still room for improvement. If only I can be as aggresive like those people involved in business... After all I'm a business student, to be exact, Marketing student. Of course I need aggresiveness inside me to excel in this area.

There's still one problem now, it's week 6 of studies yet I still can't concentrate in my studies. I can't find the rhythm for this semester yet. Seems like I lost my path. I tend to lost in my thoughts when the lecturer is talking in front. The lecturers make it worse.

One of my Marketing subjects lecturer is really boring. He seems to talk like no one's business. Less than 50% of what he talked about for 3 hours straight is related to the topic that we are studying. We hardly understands what he is talking about with his SUPER THICK Indian accent. I wonder how I am going to do in this subject....

That's all for now. Now back to my studies and work.

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  • At July 27, 2007 3:55 AM, Blogger biLly said…

    keat yee, is the lecture the fat indian uncle?
    i don't like him too, but still, i didn't attend most of the class, because the schedule was morning 8pm, who wants to wake up so early and go for such a awful class...
    anyway, im glad that you finally find a way to solve your stress, sometime we just need to take things slowly. anyway, nice to read your blog, this is my 1st time visiting your blog. cheers!

  • At July 30, 2007 12:44 PM, Blogger Keat Yee said…

    Yo Biily! Thanks for visiting my blog.
    The "fat Indian uncle's" classes are boring and awful but the lecturer that I mentioned is another one. His class is even worse that the uncle's class. Haha...

    Yeah, now I'm trying getting back to my rhythm so that things can go on smoothly after the mid sem break. Hope that things will get better. Hope that things can get better for u too! Cheers for u too!

  • At July 30, 2007 1:17 PM, Blogger xenac said…

    hahaha. that indian guy. don't worry, though he is really horrid in teaching, but he's really generous in giving marks ( =

    don't have to be so ruthless as well, most business people are nice in nature, well, some of them are anyway.



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