The Interview
What I did? I went for an interview in the SRC Room which the lights are dim and the room is kinda cold. First time went for interview in MMU (I did went through some interviews before but different from this one, of course!!) did quite poor in the session. Stuttered when I answer the first question because I never anticipate the question coming. Sigh... Still have to go through it no matter what. The duration of the interview is 10 minutes which pass real quickly (maybe because I answer their questions with long but mostly indirect answer. The answers that I gave is kinda lame I guess.
It's over now. It is up to the committee to decide if I'm suitable to take up the job. I try my best and have no regrets in it. The encouragement from my cousin and my senior made me try for this as I am sceptical in the first place. Thanks for their encouragement as I gain new experience through this interview even though I did not learn much from it but it is quite memorable.
More things coming up in future. Have to be prepared for all those challenges. I can't be too clingy, depending on people. I must have my own thoughts and life and leave other people alone. It takes time but I'm sure I can do it!!
One more thing:
- 31ST AUGUST 2006 -
(Phew... It takes hours for me to write this blog)
~KEAT YEE signing off as usual~