The Puzzle of My Heart

Life is full of ups and downs. This blog records the ups and downs that form the pieces which complete puzzle of my heart...

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

My Room is Lively!!

My room is lively!!

For once, our room is full of laughter. Not some major thing happened in my room.

This night, there's one cockroach in our room. We did not know where did it come from and how did it come into our room. My sister was in the room. As she is scared of cockroach, she screamed when she saw it. I for one who hate cockroaches, attempted to kill it everytime I see one.

So, I whacked the cockroach with newspaper several times but it did not die. It did not move for some moment, so I just pick it up and throw it outside my room. Outside the room, the cockroach moved and therefore, I whacked the cockroach a few times until it became flat. Dead.

So I threw it away. Inside the room, my room mate and my sister laughed until they can't stop. It has been a long time that my room being so lively. The laughters, the satisfaction that I got for eliminating a harmful insect *evil laugh*. How could I let those harmful insects come into my room and ruin the peace in my room? No way.

That's all for now.

~KEAT YEE signing off.~

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Wednesday, September 12, 2007

Experiences as DJ @ Radio MMU

Yesterday marked the last day I'll be going on-air on Radio MMU for this semester. Chance for me to go on-air next semester will be based on the seniors' evaluation on me. Regardless of the outcome, I enjoyed every moment that I got to go on-air. Fear, joy, nervous or some small hiccups are what I experienced as a DJ.

Things had been going smoothly for me as I had the guidance of my seniors. I consider myself lucky compare to others as I can work with different seniors as my partner stop going on-air due to personal reason. Different people have different outlook and different style when they go on-air and I got the chance to learn from them.

Thanks to my first partner, Edward, for he had given the first guide when going on-air. If not for him, I would not have learned so much about being in studio and people listen to me when I am talking in the studio. I had nervousness for the first few weeks; and thanks to Edward as he covered when I’m stuck without words.

It’s a compliment for me when I got to know that he realize my existence (and even my name!) and according to him, he remembered me because I was mentioned in Critical Thinking class. I thought that I will be a low profile student here where not many people recognise me when I am here in university unless I take the same subjects with them.

Next would be Fam, the Cantonese slot manager, where I go on-air with her for one week as a replacement for Edward as he is having exam. I was intimidated when I knew that I had to go on-air with her as she is the manager. But when I worked with her, I realise that there is something about her that makes her the manager. Systematic, well-organised and well-planned, she can voice her own points without referring much to the paper. I wish I can talk without referring to papers.

Next would be 7-zai, the ex-Cantonese slot manager and the current vice president of DJ Club. He’s such a great DJ. He can spontaneously change the topic or think of something to say when he is stuck with words. But something worth mentioning is there is technical problem when I went on-air with him. First, when we test our microphones, we realise that 7-zai’s mic is not working.

Then, we tried to figure out what’s wrong by testing the other 2 mics and nothing is wrong with 2 other mics. We figure things out for 5 minutes and when I look at the mic, I saw that the mic is not switch on. We thought that it is some major electronics problem, or maybe the mixer problem, but it was just an unnoticed detail. Who had been so ‘kind’ to switch off the mic?

Lastly will be Sharon, we went on-air together for 3 weeks. I learned to do things more systematically in the studio. Under her guidance, I know how to control the mixer more systematically.

That's what I have been through this semester as a DJ. I had my share of ups and downs and this is a new experience for me as I never thought of being a DJ in anyways, left alone try DJing. It sure do help me a lot to open up to more new experiences in life.

That's all for now.

~KEAT YEE signing off.~

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Thursday, September 06, 2007

What A Shocking and Hectic Week

Many things had been happening lately and it really makes me think a lot...

In this week alone, I had 1 mid term exam (having exam now even though mid term is 3 weeks ago), 2 presentations, 1 assignment submission but it did not break me down. I still go on, without much sleeping time, wake up late everyday... all just to finish all the work. Even the National Day holiday and weekend are spent on doing work.

No going out at all during the weekend, but hey, this is more important than shopping. I don't like to to shop when it is too crowded, where you need to line up to pay and try on clothes, push around to walk, or walking behind a slow person... you know what I mean.

There will be 2 assignments submission next week and 1 Advanced Managerial Statistics quiz.

Wow!! Work is really stressful as the assignments need to be submitted at almost the same time. I did not sleep much - 3 hours for Wednesday itself just to compile my group's wotk and edit it. Every day, I had been sleeping late. How many times I had vowed not to have last minute work yet everytime I still need to do last minute work... Whose fault is that? Me? My group mates? Hope fully by next semester I won't have last minute work again...

During the Consumer Behaviour this week, my lecturer discussed about the blogging phenomenon and he asked us why people blogged. He wonders why people would even care to read something in blogs that is not related to them. I told him that it's related to have their own identity. The discussion went on and he suddenly said that bloggers are people who do not have the courage to voice out.

When I heard that, I was so shock. But then the lecturer said "No offence" to me because I am the only one who admits to be a blogger in the class. I'm sure there are some other bloggers who did not even dare to admit they blog. But I don't agree with what the lecturer said. Not all bloggers do not dare to voice out their words. I blog because I want to reach out to friends and keep in touch.

Speaking of friends, I received a shocking news from Wen Jian. He will be leaving for UK next week!! That's a little too late for us to know that. There is not even a hint from him that he will further his studies in UK. Chee Wei is the only one in my Form 5 gang that I am still close to who stays in Malaysia. How could I hold back my sadness hearing that news?

First, Lien Ghee left for Japan, then Nean Hua to Taiwan, now Wen Jian will be going to UK, later Yuen Mei will be pursuing her studies in the US. It will be years before I can meet them again. Things will change by then. People change, the environment change. Hopefully we will be still be close by then. Wish them all the best for their future undertakings.

That's all for now.

Gonna back to my work again.

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