Post-Christmas 2007
Last few days had been a torture for me, due to lack of sleep. It had been real hectic for me starting 21st December 2007.
21st December 2007 (Friday)
Rushing assignment since Thursday. Did not sleep at all to rush assignment submission today. A sigh of relief for me when I submit the assignment to my lecturer's room. Went back home in the afternoon and manage to get a few hours of sleep and then start to face my laptop again to edit pictures. Editing pictures in Photoshop really comsumed a lot of my time, I am only done in the wee hours in the morning.
22nd December 2007 (Saturday)
Was due to go out with my cousin to club for the very first time but due to miscommunication, in the end, my dad brought me, my sis, my bro and my neighbour to Thai Club in the midnight. My dad bring me to club!! How cool is that!! It's nice to have my dad by my side to go clubbing for the very first time.
Yeah, laugh at me for only been to a club only at 21. Basically, as expected, the place is loaded with alcohol and drunkards. Such an eye-opener experience for me. I can see the ugly behaviours of people when they are drunk - going wild and etiquette is out of mind.
What's more to do in club? Dance of course. Us girls went to the dancefloor to dance (I'm more like moving body instead of dancing as I can't dance, haha). Few guys try to hit on us, dancing in front of us but we never to bother even look at them, haha. Sorry guys, I am not interested *flip my hair backwards*. No no. Clubbing is not my lifestyle but nice to experience new things. Haha. I cannot imagine myself dancing like a wild girl and drinking alcohol like it's water. *shakes head*
Met with a traffic jam on the way home due to a road block, the policemen were checking for drunkards, every car is stopped. No exception for my dad.
P: Policeman D: My dad
P: Encik dari mana? STOP!
D: Bawa anak balik rumah...
P: Ok! Ok! Jaga ya...
Luckily my dad is not required to stop aside and go through all those procedures as we were so tired and so off to home we went. Bathed as I can't stand the smell and slept at 4 something.
23rd December 2007 (Sunday)
Morning, pre-course registration today. Woke up at 8.30 am just for it but end up seeing "Database connection is not establised." Was so pissed that I grumbled about it the whole morning, haha. The problem was only rectified at 11 something when my family was about to go out for lunch. Imagine that! Why would they put our course registration on Sunday? Sunday, the staffs will probably be enjoying their breakfast with no worries, while we all struggle to do our course registration due to some technical problems.
Afternoon, went for lunch in Serdang as my cousin moved in into a new house. There's lake view from my cousin's new house! Such a nice place to live in!
Night, went for farewell dinner for Yuen Mei at Dae Jang Geum, a Korean restaurant. Third time going there yet the food still tastes nice. Not forgetting of course taking some pictures there. Shall post the pictures later. After the dinner, I went to my cousin sister's pre-wedding dinner.
24th December 2007 (Monday)
The wedding day for my cousin sister. Wake up at 7.30 am. I managed to get only 4 hours of sleep. Kinda tiring but still need to be at my cousin's house early as I am one of the 'zhi muis'. The morning did not start out too well as the car drove by my brother scratched someone's car. What a miserable day for us.
After the tea ceremony, we rushed to Putrajaya as the wedding couple is due to register their marriage. Spotlights are on the wedding couple as people will turn the head to look at them when they passed by people in the Registration Centre in Putrajaya. Hehe... Luckily for them, they managed to register their marriage. It's such a touching scene when the couple exchange vows in front of all the witnesses.
Wedding dinner at Holiday Villa Subang Jaya. It was a blast. It was not your typical wedding dinner where you will just sit at your table, eat, then say goodbye. My relatives play games, run around the room in a line, going onstage to sing christmas carols, taking loads of pictures, loads of it and countdown to Christmas together. We can be considered as taking the limelight away from the newlywed couple. Ha ha... Now only I realised that I had such cool relatives, cool cousins. Now that's something different.
Went to Hartamas Square after that. Hang out with relatives and tried Malibu for the very first time thanks to my cousin who bought it from Australia. Tastes quite nice and suitable for girls due to the fruity flavour.
25th December 2007 (Tuesday)
It's Christmas day!! Merry Christmas!! Nothing special on Christmas Day. I was too tired that I slept almost the whole day. Wake up in the afternoon. Ate my lunch and back to my sleep again. Night was no exception as well. Fell asleep when I was watching TV.... Might take days for me to recover from the post-party/ post-festive season fatigue that I experience.
I'm all done with my hectic days. Time to study now for my finals. Wish me luck!
Labels: farewell, holiday, life, rants, university life, wedding